January 22, 2025

Communications Trailer

Ascension Amateur Radio’s Communications trailer is a 24′ self-contained, self powered, climate controlled mobile communications center that can be set up and on the air in less than 1 hour. We have 2 Icom IC-7300 HF radios, multiple amateur VHF/UHF (FM, DMR, C4FM), APRS digipeater, amateur cross band repeater, CB, MURS, FRS/GMRS, Marine VHF, and GMRS repeater. We also have radios to communicate with GOHSEP, government agencies on FEMA interoperable frequencies (VHF Low/High, UHF), and NGOs such as Red Cross. Closed circuit TV camera, and internet connection over FirstNet cellular. Multiple antennas can be mounted on our 42′ tall pneumatic mast to increase range. Besides the mounted antennas on the trailer we also have 3 Buckmaster OCF (Off Center Fed) dipole antennas, and a wide selection of Ham Stick antennas for all HF bands that are quickly deployed.

Hams operate from the Communications Trailer during a drill